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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Character Education & Values

The aim of character education within our school is to foster values such as empathy, resilience, and responsibility, to nurture well-rounded individuals who are equipped to thrive in all aspects of their lives. By incorporating these values into our curriculum and school ethos, we aim to develop students who not only excel academically but also demonstrate strong moral character and personal integrity.

Our overarching goal is to create a positive and inclusive school culture where students are encouraged to exhibit empathy towards others, show resilience in the face of challenges, and take responsibility for their actions. We believe that by instilling these values in our students, we are not only preparing them for academic success but also for meaningful and purposeful lives beyond the classroom.


We have a value of the half term and talk about our values regularly in collective worship, in the classroom and at play.


Values Day 

We celebrate every year with a Values Day, when we invite children and parents to events such as our Values Day Breakfast.