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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Collective Worship

As a church school, Collective Worship is a key aspect of life at Holy Trinity. Collective Worship takes place every morning.  

Collective Worship

During Collective Worship, pupils are taught biblical values as well as aspects of the Anglican (Christian) faith. Each week there is a new focus or theme which is often based on our school values or a book from the Bible. Collective Worship normally consists of a reading, some teaching, an activity or talk, a song and a prayer. Often pupils will lead their own prayers.

Every member of the school community attends Collective Worship daily. It is the one time in the day where the whole school community meets together. Collective Worship is led by a variety of people including school staff, the local vicar, pupils and visitors.

Every Friday we hold a celebration assembly. This will sometimes be class led, sharing or a competition. It is an opportunity for us to share and celebrate pupils’ gifts and talents across the school and to say thank you to God for them. Headteacher stickers are awarded once a week.


Church Services

During the year we hold services at Holy Trinity Church including services for Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Our pupils are invited to all Sunday services and four times a year we take part in these.

Religious Education

RE lessons at Holy Trinity are engaging and creative. We ensure that pupils participate in drama, dance, art and music to support their learning. We encourage classes to visit places of worship to support the unit of work they are studying or to invite visitors into school to talk. We also try to link our RE teaching with Collective Worship where possible.

Bible club

Every term we run a Bible club, as an after school activity, which is very popular with our pupils. It is an opportunity for them to study in depth aspects of the Bible, to discuss their thoughts and feelings and to ask and answer questions. Pupils from year one to year six are invited to attend which also encourages communication within the differing year groups. The session is very creative often involving opportunities for drama or art work. Sometime visitors also attend and participate in the sessions.

Prayer Group

A Prayer Group is held every Monday morning from 8:50-9:10am with the vicar from Holy Trinity Church, Reverend Edd Stock and members of the church. All parents are welcome to attend.


As a church school, we are inspected under a SIAMS inspection as well as Ofsted. SIAMS (Statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) focuses on four main areas. These are: the distinctive Christian character, Collective worship, Religious Education and Leadership and Management. Please follow the link to our most recent SIAMS inspection report.

The importance of prayer

At Holy Trinity prayer is a vital part of our school day. Pupils pray in Collective Worship at the start of each day, they also pray before lunch (thanking God for their food) and at the end of the day. As a staff we pray at the beginning of staff meetings and Senior Leadership Team meetings. We also pray at the beginning of whole school events and meetings, committing them to God.