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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Holy Trinity Church


    Rev Ben Strain

    Rebecca Hart




As a church school we have the privilege of being linked with our local parish church, ‘Holy Trinity’. Holy Trinity is an Anglican Church situated edge of both Sydenham and Forest Hill. The Vicar at Holy Trinity, Rev Ben Strain and the staff team at the church are active members of our school, visiting to lead Collective Worship, RE lessons and attending school events.

Church Community

Members of the church community are also active in the life of the school. This is seen through membership of the governing body, volunteering in classes and supporting at whole school events. At various times members of the church have taken CW and supported in RE lessons.

There is a growing number of pupils who attend Holy Trinity Church as well as members of staff. This also leads to a strong link and commitment on both sides. The school supports the church through their events and vice versa. Pupils often sing, dance or pray at services or events at Holy Trinity Church.


Children’s and family’s ministry is central to the life of the church and the church’s commitment to supporting the school is part of this. As a school we work to maintain and support this relationship by signposting pupils to activities, supporting at events and sharing our vision and ethos.

Holy Trinity church lead groups and events such as dance @ HT and holiday clubs which our pupils are always invited to and many attend. The leaders are now familiar with our pupils and a strong relationship is being developed. If you would like to find out more about Holy Trinity Church the details are below:

Email: office@holytrinity.life

Website: www.holytrinity.life

Southwark Diocese

Besides Holy Trinity Church, we also have links with Southwark Cathedral which is the mother church in the Southwark Diocese. It is here that pupils get the opportunity to visit a traditional church building, learn about traditional Anglicanism and join together with wider members of the church. Our pupils attend the leavers service every year and often take part in this service. Both our headteacher and our vicar have spoken at the cathedral on a number of occasions and as a school we have links with Archdeacon Alastair and Bishop Christopher.

Staff at Holy Trinity attend a number of differing churches and we incorporate these into our CW and RE. CW is often taken by vicars or pastors from other Christian denominations. As a church school we are inclusive of all.


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