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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

The Wider Community

As a primary school in the heart of Forest Hill and Sydenham we have very close links with our local community. Please see below for more information.

Albion Millennium Green

Our headteacher is a trustee for the Albion Millennium Green and our pupils use this on a regular basis. We have also taken part in productions on this land.

Sydenham Gardens

We are really thankful to Sydenham Gardens for helping us set up our school community garden opposite the school.

Dartmouth Road shops

There is a real feel of community along Dartmouth Road and it is great to be part of this group. We regularly receive raffle prizes for our school fairs from local businesses.

Some year groups learn to make pizzas at Bona Pizzeria, organised by our Italian teacher.  

Forest Hill Library

This is used as much as possible by our classes. It is fantastic having such a resource on our doorstep.

Forest Hill Pools

Y3, Y4 and Y5 swim every week throughout the year. Again, we are privileged to have this facility right next door to our school.

St Christopher's Hospice

Each year we sing carols at St Christopher's hospice. Our pupils really enjoy it and the residents have great fun joining in with them. Children also take part in art workshops.

The Horniman Museum

Children take part in workshops organised by this wonderful museum both in school and at the museum itself.