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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School


Message from The Chair of Governors.pdf


The Governing Body of Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School is a  team of dedicated and hard working volunteers and staff members who help with the strategic vision for our School.

Our Governing Body includes:

  • The Headteacher
  • Nine foundation governors including 2 from SDBE and 7 PCC Foundation Governors
  • One governor nominated by Lewisham
  • One member of staff
  • Two parent governors
  • Two co-opted governors including a member of Support Staff

Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocese of Southwark .

One governor is nominated by our Local Authority, Lewisham.

Our staff governor is elected by the staff .

Parent governors are elected to serve on the governing body by the parents and normally serve four years.

Co-opted governors are invited to join by the governing body, to add areas of expertise and to represent our community.

Governors usually serve a four year term of office and more details about each governor can be found below. 

You can contact the governing body by writing to the Chair of Governors via the School Office. Our parent governors are pleased to hear about views and ideas and can also be contacted via the School Office.

The governors keep in regular contact with parents through newsletters and by visiting the School and attending School functions and events.

Full governing body meetings are held each term. The agenda for the meetings includes items from the Local Authority, the Diocese, directives and initiatives from the Government and school based concerns.

The governing body has two sub committees; Resources and Curriculum and Finance, Premises and Pay meet on a termly basis.

The dates of full governing body meetings are published in the weekly newsletter.

All Governors annually complete a Register of Interest Form.

Minutes of all Governing Body meetings are available upon request from the school office.


governing body code of conduct 2023.pdf


governing body membership information roi sept 2023.pdf


holy trinity governor information for 2023 2024.pdf



Full Governing Body Minutes

Approved minutes of the FGB (Full Governing Body) meetings are available on request from the School Office.