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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School


At Holy Trinity, maths is taught in a variety of ways.

This includes whole class teaching, practical sessions, individual and group work. The teaching of number and arithmetic calculation skills is fundamental to our approach to maths and is set out in our calculation policy.

Mental starters are a daily part of our maths lessons, and they encourage the children to reason about all the topics set out in the mathematics curriculum.

 Maths for All

The objectives taught in maths are taken from the 2014 National Curriculum: these are used to plan lessons which encourage investigation, discovery, reasoning and problem solving. All children have a daily session of maths.

The lessons are tailored to meet the needs of all learners in the class. Children work in pairs, small groups and individually. The tasks are differentiated, and each learner is given a reasoning learning challenge to complete after their main activity.


All teachers have access to a range of reasoning, problem solving and arithmetic resources which they can use to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Each class environment has a mathematics working wall with key vocabulary and strategies to support children’s understanding of key strategies and concepts.