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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages

At Holy Trinity, we enjoy working in a diverse area of London.

In our school many languages are spoken. At Holy Trinity, we believe that learning another language is an important part of belonging in a multi-cultural society and will broaden the horizons of the children at our school. By the end of their time here, we want children at Holy Trinity to communicate in Italian using the written, reading and oral skills learnt in their lessons here. It is important that children learn how to communicate practically, in lessons that represent real-life situations so that children can use the language both in and out of school.

Curriculum Intent

MFL Curriculum Intent

Modern Foreign Languages are statutory from Year 3-Year 6, however we believe that children learning languages as early as possible is very beneficial

We are very fortunate to have Claudia, a native Italian speaker teaching Italian to Years  1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

Madame Parker from Sydenham High also teaches Year 5 French.

Language of the Month

Every term we have a language focus which is introduced in a Collective Worship lead by Mr Wood. This term our focus is Arabic.