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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School


Please remember every school day counts…

This traffic light system will help you to understand the importance of attendance:

GREEN = attendance of 95% or more

(Safety Zone)

You are giving your child the best chance of academic success.

AMBER = attendance of 90-94%

(At Risk Zone)

Your child has less chance of academic success, and progress is harder.



Your child is unlikely to make good academic progress. May result in involvement from the Attendance Welfare Officer, penalty fines or a court order.

REMEMBER: 90% attendance is the same as missing 1 day every 2 weeks; 85% attendance equates to missing half a term during the year; 80% attendance over 5 years is the same as one full year with no learning.

It is the parental responsibility to ensure that the school are informed before 8.30 am on each day of your child’s absence.

Holidays during term time will not be authorised.

Please note any unauthorised absence could result in involvement from the Attendance Welfare Officer, Penalty Fines or a Court Order.

Every week, attendance information goes on the newsletter and the attendance cup (KS2) and Atticus the Aardvark (KS1) go to the winning classes.


Attendance Policy.pdf

Attendance Brochure.pub

Autumn 1 Attendance

Attendance - Autumn 1 summary.pdf


Attendance 16th November 2018

Attendance November 16th.pdf

Attendance 23rd November 2018

Attendance 23rd November 2018.pdf