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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Relationships and Health Education

Relationships and Health education became a compulsory part of the Primary School Curriculum in September 2020.

The Government guidance aims to ensure that all schools promote equality, foster pupils’ respect for themselves and others, and help pupils to look after their own health and wellbeing. It also aims to meet the needs of all pupils, supporting their developing identity and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. At St John Baptist School, this curriculum has been incorporated into our existing Values Education and required very little change to the content that children are taught in School.

However, as required by law, we held a parental consultation as we developed our policy for Relationships and Health Education and before any new content was taught to pupils. This was an opportunity to explore the content that is in the curriculum, ask questions and share any concerns. Please see the resources below to find out what Relationships and Health Education consists of at Holy Trinity.