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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School


At Holy Trinity we believe that the needs of the child are paramount. All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential; they have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation whatever their race, religion, first language or ethnicity, gender or sexuality, age, health or disability, political or immigration status.

All staff accept their fundamental responsibility to keep pupils safe, promoting children’s social, physical, emotional and moral development. All staff are trained to identify signs of abuse, and work to identify, assess, and support those children who are suffering harm. Staff will help to equip children with the skills needed to keep them safe.

Please see the links below to find out more information.

Lewisham Safeguarding Children Board

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy 2021-22.pdf

SDBE Leaflet about Discipline


School Visitors Safeguarding Leaflet

Visitors Leaflet Sept.pdf

Being Safe on the Internet and Social Media - Drumbeat


Teach your Children the Underwear Rules


We have six children from Key Stage 2 who form the Safeguarding Committee, along with Miss Ambrose, our Safeguarding Lead and Inclusion Manager.

They have worked with Miss Ambrose to produce a Safeguarding Newsletter.

Autumn Safeguarding Newsletter.pdf

What are county lines? Who is at risk?

County lines final edit (003).pdf

Lewisham’s VAWG COVID-19 response

VAWG Bulletin Issue 4.pdf