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Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Why Join Us?

There are many reasons why Holy Trinity CofE Primary School is unique. Here are just a few:

  • A diverse and inclusive school welcoming families of all faiths and none, uniting behind our Christian vision and values.
  • A personalised approach where every child is known, valued and nurtured within a calm and purposeful environment.
  • A creative curriculum, taught by high quality staff and specialist teachers in PE, Music, Italian and French, allowing pupils to explore diverse interests and talents beyond traditional academics.
  • High expectations prevail with high standards of achievement and remarkable progress.
  • Free 11+ tuition and interview preparation to support high flying pupils to secure places and scholarships to both independent and grammar schools.
  • An extensive enrichment offer encompasses opportunities such as Mandarin, Football with Millwall FC and Music tuition, plus wraparound care available.
  • Shaping future leaders through roles available to all pupils e.g. Head Boy and Girl, Leading Citizens, Safeguarding Committee, RE Leads, Eco Ambassadors, Digital Leaders, Chess Monitors and Friendship Buddies.
  • We thrive on excellent partnerships with local schools, business and organisations, fostering a collaborative environment that enriches learning experiences and empowers pupils with real-world connections.